About the Campaign
In 2002 artists Joe Wheelwright and Gneal Widett founded Humphreys Street Studios as affordable artist workspaces in Upham's Corner, Dorchester. In recent years both passed away and the property has been for sale.
Over the past year-plus, the 40+ artists and creative small businesses at Humphreys Street Studios have come together to preserve the legacy of HSS as affordable artist workspaces in Boston – a rarity as many artist workspaces have been demolished due to real estate development. The artists formed an official tenant’s association and have found artist-friendly development partners New Atlantic and Place Tailor, who have purchased the property and plan to split it in two: an artist-run nonprofit to keep the artist studios as affordable in perpetuity, and affordable housing in the vacant back lot for Upham's Corner. In addition, the development partners plan to create a shared community space for meetings, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and neighborhood events so that HSS may be more engaged with neighbors in Upham's Corner, Nubian Square, and beyond.
The HSS artists seek neighborhood and the creative/cultural community’s support in this plan, called the #ARTWORKSHERE, #ARTSTAYSHERE campaign, which is a win-win for Upham's Corner and the artist community of Boston.
The HSS artist community includes painters, scenic designers, ceramicists, graphic designers, printers, fabricators, metalsmiths, sculptors, jewelry makers, furniture makers, photographers, videographers, and more, some who have been artist tenants for nearly 20 years.
Media Coverage
Banker & Tradesman, November 21, 2021
Boston Globe, October 20, 2021
Op Ed by John Barros, Candidate for Boston Mayor, The Boston Globe, June 30, 2021
BNN TV, June 24, 2021
Boston Globe, June 24, 2021
Dig Boston, June 23, 2021
Bay State Banner, June 17, 2021
Dorchester Reporter, June 17, 2021
Dig Boston, June 7, 2021
WBUR, May 13, 2021
The Dorchester Reporter, May 12, 2021
WBUR, December 16, 2020
DigBoston, November 11, 2020
Letter to the Editor, The Boston Globe, August 30, 2020
The Boston Globe, August 19, 2020
Community Letters of Support
Arts and Business Council
Boston Preservation Alliance
Eastman/Elder Neighborhood Association
Fort Point Arts Community
Uphams Corner Arts & Innovation District Working Advisory Group
Uphams Corner Main Streets
Uphams Corner Westside Neighborhood Association
Read them all here