Artist & Creative Business Workspaces
Upham's Corner, Dorchester
est. 2002

Humphreys Street Studios (HSS) is a dynamic and expansive property in the Uphams Corner neighborhood of Dorchester, MA, housing working artists and creative small businesses since its beginnings in 2002.
Developed in the long shuttered Daloz Dry Cleaners buildings by sculptor Joseph Wheelwright and artisan Gneal Widette, the studios provide workspaces for a diverse community of over 40 tenants including fine artist painters, illustrators, sculptors, designers, furniture makers, photographers, carpenters, metal workers, fabricators, photographers, apparel designers, and more.

HSS creatives have been valuable contributors to the beauty and cultural vitality of the Boston area; engaged in art, craft, design, and artisan production providing services, experiences, as well as public, private, and commercial artwork.

The property provides a unique “campus” space including a courtyard. The buildings house approximately 26,000 sqare feet of rental space yielding a total of 40 workspaces. The campus includes a three-story mill building, a two-story brick building and a lofty cement block structure with rows of skylights.

Mission, Vision, & Values
Humphreys Street Studios’ mission is to foster a collaborative, diverse, affordable, and accessible artist workspace community in the Upham's Corner neighborhood of Dorchester, MA; to share its wealth of artists’ talents to serve the community through classes, workshops, apprenticeships, mentorships, exhibitions, and creative services; to work in partnership with neighboring artists, organizations, and initiatives to keep arts and culture vitalized; to encourage active participation in the Upham's Corner and surrounding neighborhoods ensuring the cultural and economic health and well-being of its residents; and to provide creativity, inspiration, and fellowship to friends and neighbors. HSS also hopes to serve as a model for non-displacement of artist studios in Greater Boston.